Super Audio Cart

Get Super Audio Cart!
|| Demo PageI had a blast, creating over 30 presets for Super Audio Cart over the course of about a month, ranging from distorted prog leads, to trashy bells, and even granular pads! These make extensive use of the 64-slot custom mod matrix, the advanced arp table (which keeps showing me new tricks!), and the 4-layer synth engine. Super Audio Cart is available for $149 on the Impact Soundworks website, and you can get these patches and the other ~1000 patches with the library!
FM Variations

Purchase Product || Demo Page
Expand your horizons with FM Variations, a stunning Zebra 2 preset collection featuring over 200 breathtaking sounds! Using advanced FM synthesis, these patches include everything from beautiful soft and glassy tones to gritty modulated basses and leads. Every sound has been carefully prepared with X/Y control for instant inspiration and easy variation.
Just Plain Glitched
Demo Page || The Making Of (Original Samples) || Mirror 1 || Mirror 2
A free set of raw glitch drum samples, as well as those that have been processed into miscellaneous FX, sweeps, reverses, etc. using such methods as granular synthesis and stateful saturation.